5 minutes from Nishiogikubo sta. (JB03) on JR Chuo/Sobu line

Turn right after you exit the ticket gate.

Once you exit the south exit, then turn left.

Go straight and turn right at the end of the road.
You will see Fuji-soba on the right side and Mizuho Bank in front.

Go straight down the road.
You will see FamilyMart on the right.

Turn left at the next corner.
You will see the dry cleanders on the corner.

You will see Takaraya-Gyuniku(a butcher) on the right.

Turn right the next T junction.
You will see a real estate agency, Kadoya-Housing.

Go straight and past Yamanaka orthopedic clinic on the right.

Turn left the next corner. You will find a vending machine on the left.

Nishiogi osteopathy center is the second building from the corner.

You will find a stair inside the building. Please take your shoes off and change in to slippers here, and go up to the second floor.